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Unprecedented Jar Burial of a Dog observed in Gohar Tepe by Andy B on Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Discovery of a jar containing the skeleton of a dog in a human grave for the first time in Gohar Tepe, northern Iran, has puzzled archeologists. The two skeletons are dated to the 1st millennium BC.

Archeological excavations in Gohar Tepe, Iranian northern province of Mazandaran, led into discovery of the skeleton of a man belonging to the first millennium BC alongside a dog which was buried in a jar in the same grave.

Human burials in jars have commonly been observed in different historic sites of Iran. Similar examples of jar burials of humans have also been found in Gohar Tepe. However, this is the first time that the skeletons of a dog are found in a jar. This is why the new discovery has astounded the archeologists.

Some ornaments have also been discovered with the skeleton of the man which shows the economic wellbeing of the dead person during his own time.

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