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Is Clava crow find a Hallowe'en sacrifice? by Andy B on Thursday, 02 November 2006

A DEAD crow has sparked fears of macabre goings on at a prehistoric burial site on the outskirts of Inverness.

The bird was found at a standing stone surrounding one of the burial chambers at the Clava Cairns, just south of Culloden.

But the unusual way the bird was laid out and the choice of standing stone raised alarm bells for John Ray, of Inverness, who came across the crow on Sunday.

Mr Ray, who has a strong interest in mythology and archaeology, told the Highland News: ‘Of all the stones surrounding the three cairns, it had been placed at the one that is connected to the Samhain/Hallowe’en festival.

‘It did spook me, and left me with a negative feeling. I’ve seen offerings left at the stones before at Halloween, midwinter and midsummer solstices over the years - flowers, mistletoe, crystals, that sort of thing.

‘This was different. The person that did this must have known what they were doing.

It’s not just the fact it is a crow - which in folklore can symbolise death and evil - it was the position it was in.

More: Highland News

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road