Comment Post

Re: Blandford Forum Stones by Anonymous on Saturday, 26 August 2006

Ive only just moved from Blandford forum,I lived there all my life until recently but I can only give a few details as they are not something the town has made a feature of,in fact quite the opposite in my opinion! I believe that there current home may not be there original home as they appear to have been tossed aside during the road and bridge building of ages past. I am only speculating here but I believe they once lived in the 'crown meadows' where the flood defence now lives,possibly moved when the towns folk decided to make that spot a regular show ground. to my knowledge two stones still exist. there is a large stone in a shaded knoll directly opposite bryanston school gates,on the left of the road coming in from the brewery (poole). there is another laying directly next to the bridge on the left as you head out of town,best accessed by having a snoop around the back of the re-cycling bins in the ham (safeways) carpark. I visit blandford regularly still and will endeavor to take some shots.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road