Comment Post

Re: Beech Bottom Dyke by Anonymous on Sunday, 20 August 2006

I now live opposite this site and for me it is a very special place that has its own distinctive energies. (I'm a Druid and interested in this sort of thing!). One side of the Dyke has a distinctly different energy from the other strangely enough (on the valley road to railway section). It is known pretty much only to locals, but there are a couple of old signs up about its history. It was built in the iron age by the Catuvellauni tribe, possibly defensive in nature, but another theory is it was to keep travelling tradesmen from trapsing through the settlement. At that time St Albans, (then Verlamion), was one of the main trading centres for the Celtic Britons. A small part of it near the Ancient Briton pub was excavated by Sir Mortimer Wheeler in the 1930s.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road