Comment Post

Re: Cambridge Fitzwilliam Museum by Vicky on Thursday, 18 December 2003

According to The Cambridge News online (18/12/2003), the Museum is to close for a revamp.

The museum shuts at 5pm on Sunday until May 31 next year so that staff can restore its galleries to their former glory after its £12 million revamp.

A spokeswoman for the Fitz said: "The closure is needed to get the galleries back into shape following the completion of the building phase of the Courtyard Development, which has been supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

"Behind the scenes, all staff from curators to gallery attendants will be rolling up their sleeves to join specialist contractors in tackling the wide range of jobs necessary both to make new spaces suitable for occupation by staff and restore galleries to their former glory."

Tasks include relocating offices, people and storage facilities, returning objects from loan or storage, unpacking and tracking them, and a major cleaning programme to conquer the builders' dust and get galleries and display cases in prime condition for the re-installation of the collections, ready for reopening in summer 2004.

Many of the museum's galleries - those displaying permanent collections ranging from paintings and furniture to ceramics and armour - will be relit, redecorated, refurbished, some with new display cases.

Labels are also being re-written, gallery information sheets drafted, photographs taken for a new museum guidebook and a new audio guide is being prepared and recorded.

Shop and café fittings are being installed, stock for the shop and staffing for the café being organized.

Museum director Duncan Robinson said: "The final stage of the development is a hugely demanding but very exciting time for all staff in the museum.

"After five years of planning, preparation, fundraising and construction the building phase is finally complete, the new spaces are a reality.

"Now everyone is committed to their part in the transformation of the museum over the next five months and to welcoming visitors through our doors again from next June."

The Fitz shop, temporarily moved across the road to the other side of Trumpington Street, will remain open.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road