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Henge Centre Revived by coldrum on Monday, 10 July 2006

Renewed moves by English Heritage to create a world class visitor centre at Stonehenge seem certain to get the go-ahead today, marking an amazing U-turn by councillors.

Salisbury District Council's Planning Committee will approve an application for the landmark £67.5million visitor centre at Countess East, just under two miles from the 4,500-year- old henge.

The scheme is exactly the same one the council threw out last summer following objections from residents.

A key reason for rejecting the scheme was that a land train taking people from the monument to the centre would have an adverse impact on nearby residents.

But in the light of a forthcoming public inquiry, the authority reappraised its decision and invited English Heritage to resubmit the original plans.

Last week the council's Northern Area Committee recommended that the Planning committee should today approve the scheme, with a number of conditions.

These include the condition that the visitor centre should only go ahead if the Government approves the A303 Stonehenge Improvement Scheme, the cost of which has now spiralled to £200million.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road