Comment Post

Re: Loch Buie by Nick on Sunday, 02 November 2003

My wife and I visited here at Easter 2003, having driven from Tobermory down to the south west quadrant, via a rather meandering track, to Lochbuie.

This is the most significant area of Mull in neolithic terms, and set in a 3/4 bowl which even Burl was moved to comment on - "Few rings could be more evocative". Druid's Field, as it is known, comprises: one standing stone, a circle, not one but two outliers, and a ruined kerb cairn. The standing stone is quite large, though the top has been broken off at some time in the past. The circle originally had 9 stones, one has gone but has been replaced by a boulder. Two large outliers stand fairly close by, both reasonably tall, and a rather ruined kerb circle hides in a clump of trees about 100m away.

We spent quite some time looking around here, enjoying the scenery and the warm breeze, before slowly traipsing back towards Tobermory, dinner, and a bottle of wine as the sun set.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road