Comment Post

Re: Palastre allée couverte by TheCaptain on Tuesday, 09 May 2006

Glad to hear that I was not alone in finding many stones here, some in alignments. I was looking for a single passage grave, and found remains of perhaps two or three (but not the "official" one).

My notes at the time are as below.

In an area on top of a hill overlooking a stream is the hamlet of Le Palastre, with its dolmen. I found quite a few stones here, but was not sure what the official dolmen is ! There are lots of big stones around, none of which looked too convincingly like the dolmen I was expecting.

The best fit to the map is a series of three large boulders in a row, in the front of somebodies garden right in the centre of the hamlet. There are also some significant looking stones a bit down the hill beside the chapel yard wall.

I have since learned that I dont think I found the dolmen, which is positioned somewhere behind the house with the stone alignment.

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road