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Friends of Thornborough News Update by Anonymous on Monday, 29 September 2003

There's been quite a bit happening lately, so I thought you'd like to hear some news.

Firstly, it is with great sadness that I must inform you that despite our pleas for Tarmac to delay quarrying of a small section of the Nosterfield quarry so we could investigate more fully three pit alignments that appear to have a close and important relationship with the henges, they moved in with the bulldozers and have now destroyed the last remaining archaeology within the quarry. I was hoping to have more information on these before publishing our thoughts, but in the circumstances I have uploaded our report onto the FoT website, and our initial conclusions are available there.

On a better note, unable to save the pits, we attended Masham Sheep Fair for the last two days. We got an additional 500 signatures on the petition, which is now at 2,500 - 25% of our completely unfeasible target set just six
weeks ago.

The petition has now gone to some nine villages in the surrounding area of Thornborough and we have had 98% of households sign it - clearly we have strong local support.

We met a lot of new contacts, several local councillors and even the archaeologist who did the first survey of Thornborough in 51 signed the
petition - we made a lot of new friends.

We also sold some 200+ items of Thornborough merchandise, there a lot more local people who know and understand about Thornborough now. I spoke all day for two days, there were five of us on the stand and for long periods it was six deep. In the last six weeks or so Friends of Thornborough membership has gone from 200 to 500+ In fact we are very concerned about the size of the hall booked for Thursdays meeting and have booked an alternative option - the entire church, not just the hall.

The Time Flyers TV programme on Thornborough is expected to go out the second week in November, the series starts on October the 15th to watch the schedules!

That's all for now, hope to see some of you at Thursdays meeting.


Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road