The Megalith Map

Megalithic and Prehistoric sites on map square NW

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Culdees Holy Well (Knockaldie) Holy Well or Sacred Spring in Dumfries and Galloway at NW985597

Killantringan Bay Stone Fort or Dun in Dumfries and Galloway at NW98365719
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3

Knock and Maize Standing Stone (Menhir) in Dumfries and Galloway at NW9983057873
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 5

North Cairn (Cairn Hill) Cairn in Dumfries and Galloway at NW97337014
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3

St Columba's Well (Portmullin) Holy Well or Sacred Spring in Dumfries and Galloway at NW98957256

St Kain's Well (Dunskey Glen) Holy Well or Sacred Spring in Dumfries and Galloway at NW997558

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With thanks to Alastair McIvor for development of the original Megalith Map.

Featured: Explore Scotland (and everywhere else) with our Megalithic Portal iPhone app

Explore Scotland (and everywhere else) with our Megalithic Portal iPhone app

Cornovia: Ancient Sites of Cornwall and Scilly, Craig Weatherhill

Cornovia: Ancient Sites of Cornwall and Scilly, Craig Weatherhill
