<< Our Photo Pages >> The Megaliths of Sparossino - Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature in Italy in Liguria

Submitted by mpwpir on Thursday, 30 January 2014  Page Views: 4680

Natural PlacesSite Name: The Megaliths of Sparossino
Country: Italy
NOTE: This site is 14.567 km away from the location you searched for.

Region: Liguria Type: Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature

Latitude: 44.219373N  Longitude: 8.230023E
4Almost Perfect
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The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Figure 1. Map of archaeological sites of Sparossino. (Vote or comment on this photo)
The Megaliths of Sparossino (Ligurian Alps)
Authors: Alfredo Pirondini*, Gian Paolo Bocca*, Filippo Pirondini*, Cecilia Pirondini* and Cesarina Villa* * Il Finalese: Studi e Ricerche
The Authors, following recent surveys on the mountain ridge that separates from north to south the Pora Valley (to the east) and Maremola Valley (to the west), have observed the presence of megalithic structures that could be of great archaeological and archaeoastronomical interest.

As reported in previous works (Refs 26 & 35), the area between the Bric Gettina and the Rocca Cucca is arduous to explore and there is difficulty accessing locations due to tangled vegetation.

The ridge between these two points (Figure 1) has, however, traces of possible megalithic artifacts that, in the area of the Rio Sparossino (tributary of Pora River) and, more precisely, on the top of a pad at 925 m above sea level (Lat. : 44.219373° N - Long.: 8.230023° E). The Authors have named the site "Bric of the Sparossino", which takes on the appearance of a real megalithic complex (Ref 35). To be found is a horizontal table of stone supported by smaller boulders, a menhir oriented in North-South direction (Photo 1), a dolmen which opens in an East-West direction, although it is of atypical structure - the subsidence of the northern orthostat and the possible remains can be seen in Photo 2).

Cairns are recognizable throughout this watershed, see Refs (1), (38), (39).
The oldest signs of human occupation are indicated by the discovery of stone walls at the base of the southern rocky outcrop of the Rock Cucca, on the slopes of Val Maremola, but the megaliths described near the path that leads to the Mines of Bric Gettina must not be ignored (Ref 35). In particular, we should mention the structure, similar to the boxes of the Ligurian Riviera, called "Casa del Fabbro" with a characteristic lithic architrave at the entrance (see Photo 3 below) and a "pseudo-dome" (Photo 4), similar to the “Tholoi” of the Bronze Age, spread throughout the Mediterranean area (40). This type of archaic architecture is also present in distant areas of the Middle East and, in Liguria, is traced back to the Neolithic period (4), (40).

In some places, the path that leads to the Madonna della Guardia Sanctuary, Cà del Mago and Osteria Vecchia, assumes the characteristics of a 'megalithic' road (see Photo 5 below).

From the geological point of view, the Melogno Porphyroids are the predominant rock formation. This is a metamorphic formation (which has undergone transformations linked to high temperatures and high pressures), effusive of volcanic origin, from the geological period Lower Permian or Cisuralian: from 299.0 ± 0.8 to 270.6 ± 0.7 million years ago. It is composed of rhyolites (quartz and feldspars - the latter minerals in laminar structure - and rhyodacites (compact rocks in color from pink to purple and also green). It shows up as a green stone, if fresh surface (brown if altered), of fine schistose with weaving millimetric bands, alternately whitish and greenish, composed by few phenocrystals (i.e. visible crystals, because they are larger and clearly distinguishable from the surrounding rocky matrix) less than one centimeter of quartz with potassic feldspar (25), (44).

The bedrock of the Megaliths of Sparossino appears, therefore, significantly different from that of similar finds from the nearby Finalese (area which extends, in the inland direction, from the coastline to the current route of the Highway n°10 and, along the coast, from Caprazzoppa Cape to Noli Cape) It is geologically characterized by a limestone of bioclastic origin, known as Stone of the Finale, rich in sea fossils, formed in the Miocene (from 20 million to 10 million years ago).


The origin and dating of these finds are difficult due to their location in the open, subject to the action of weathering, plants, animals and, presumably, humans. These factors may have altered over time the original structure and location of these artifacts that could date back to an epoch between the Neolithic (which, in Liguria developed between 5800 and 3600 BC) and the Bronze Age (between 2200 and 900 BC), as well as other megaliths found near Finale Ligure (41), (42), (43).

The group of megaliths placed on top of the Bric Sparossino (Photo 6) is, however, extremely suggestive as a primitive astronomical observatory, taking into account the orientation of the stones themselves.

The presence of a horizontal table, supported by smaller stones positioned in order to support it, is reminiscent of megalithic altars placed on high and protected places (Ref 7). The fact that the "altar stone" is built on a high place indicates, in all likelihood, the will to choose an appropriate location from which people could have a sort of visual control of the land below, and probably also relates to the sacredness of high places and mountain peaks (See Refs 22, 23), typical of the Celtic-Ligurian populations Refs (27), (28), (29), (30), (31), (32), (33), (34), (35 ), (36 ), (37 ).

Further exploration could show other artifacts unknown today. There are a number of techniques that may identify additional buried structures and objects prior to excavation. For those not familiar with some of the techniques, as a recap these are:
a) GPR ( Ground Penetrating Radar stands for, also called Georadar): its radio waves outline the structures and stratification of the underlying soil, able to construct three-dimensional images;
b) ERS (Electrical Resistance Survey, or Geoelectric Detection), which measures the resistance of the different soil layers to the electric current (the archaeological remains may have a lower or higher resistance than the ground around them and thus be highlighted;
c) Differential Magnetometer (or Gradiometer), which uses magnetic sensors (magnetometers) to detect significantly different magnetic properties from those of the surrounding areas (they can be more easily identified sites with formations such as wells, tombs, material depots, roads, ditches, walls);
d) Metal Detector: a tool that uses electromagnetic induction to detect the presence of metals;
e) LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging or Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging), which can extract data with the laser scanning of forested areas, from which the vegetation can be digitally removed.

Recent studies, furthermore, based on new methods of ICP / OES or AAS (acronyms for Induced Coupled Plasma / Optical Emission Spectroscopy and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) have shown that metallurgy was widely known in the area covered by this study as early as the Middle Bronze Age (1600 - 1350 BC) and that mining was also practiced in the nearby Val Bormida Refs (14), (15), (16), (26), (27), (28), (29).

The presence of stone tools in this area, very near to the megaliths already described in the vicinity of the Bric Gettina Mines and the pseudo-dome construction of “Casa del Fabbro”, overlooking the mines themselves, are almost certainly an indication that the areas examined in this study were frequented by humans in very remote times, probably until the Neolithic (Ref 35).

At that time, probably through known shipping lanes, they created social and cultural ties between the peoples of the Mediterranean Neolithic (Ref 4). Pottery and perishable goods contained therein can therefore be counted among the objects that were conveyed by sea since the beginning of the seventh millennium BC Refs (6), (8), (9), (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (24).

In this period trade by land was also further developed. Through the passes of the Finalese inland, known in the present day with the names of Melogno, Madonna della Neve (or Giogo di Rialto), Colla di San Giacomo (connected to Colla di Magnone, joined, in its turn, with the Ponci Valley), men and goods could reach the Val Bormida and, hence, the Po Valley, from the Finalese Refs (2), (3), (5).


Recent observations, confirmed by this study, are now clear in showing the Finale, since Neolithic times, as being an essential part of the trade routes between the Mediterranean Sea, the Po Valley and Transalpine Europe (Ref 19). This hypothesis could be further supported by archaeometric and archaeometallurgical researches on material found in the site with the help of new non-invasive (or microinvasive) techniques of archaeological investigation now available, including further studies in archaeoastronomy Refs (10), (11), (12), (13).


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3) Amzallag N. 2009. “From Metallurgy to Bronze Age Civilizations: The Synthetic Theory.” AJA 113: 497-519.
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1986; 19-272
9) Capelli C., Cabella R., Del Lucchese A., Piazza M., Starnini E. Archaeometric analyses of Early and Middle Neolithic pottery from the Pian del Ciliegio rock shelter (Finale Ligure, NW
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15) Del Lucchese A. Il Riparo di Pian del Ciliegio. Quaderni del Museo Archeologico del Finale.
16) Del Lucchese A., Delfino D. 2008. “Metallurgia protostorica in Val Bormida.” In: Del Lucchese A., Gambaro L. (Eds.) 2008 Archeologia in Liguria, n.s., I, 2004-2005, Editore De Ferrari, Genova, 35-47.
17) De Mortillet G. Sépultures anciennes du Plateau de Somma (Lombardie), in Revue archéologique, 1865, pp. 453-468; 1866, pp. 50-58.
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20) De Marinis R.C. I Celti golasecchiani, in I Celti, catalogo della mostra di palazzo Grassi a Venezia, Milano 1991, pp. 93-102.
21) Giuggiola O. Una costruzione megalitica a Finale. In: Rivista Ingauna ed Intemelia, 1984; 39.
22) Giussani L. The Religious Sense. McGill-Queen's University Press – Montreal (1997).
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24) Kruta V., I Celti e il Mediterraneo. Jaca Book, 2004
25) Matsuoka N., Murton J. Frost Weathering: Recent Advances and Future Directions. Permafrost and Periglac. Process. 19: 195–210 (2008).
26) Nesti W., 2011. “Il Fiore e l'Argento. La Miniere del Bric Gettina (Rialto - SV)”. In: Club Alpino Italiano, Convegno del Comitato Scientifico Ligure Piemontese e degli Operatori Naturalistici e Culturali, Torino - 2011, a cura di Roberto Fantoni.
27) Pirondini A. Osservazioni su un sito di interesse archeologico nei pressi del Castelliere delle Anime (Rocca di Perti - Finale Ligure). TRACCE - The Online Rock Art Bulletin (2010).
28) Pirondini A. Castelliere of Verezzi - Hillfort in Italy in Liguria. The Megalithic Portal (2010).
29) Pirondini A. Site near Finale Ligure. The Megalithic Portal (2010)
30) Pirondini A. Struttura megalitica soprastante l'Arma Strapatente (Orco-Feglino, Finalese, Liguria). Archeomedia - Rivista di Archeologia On-line. (2010).
31) Pirondini A. Il Riparo Sotto Roccia di Pian del Ciliegio: un Sito Neolitico del Finalese. TRACCE - The Online Rock Art Bulletin (2011).
32) Pirondini A. Castelliere di Verezzi: Industrie Litiche. Archeomedia - Rivista di Archeologia
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33) Pirondini A. Pian del Ciliegio Rock Shelter. The Megalithic Portal (2011)
34) Pirondini A. The Dolmen at Monticello near Finale Ligure (Western Liguria, Italy). Fieldnotes of Archaeological Institute of America (July 9, 2011).
35) Pirondini A., Bocca G.P., Megalithism and new research perspectives on argentiferous galena mines of Bric Gettina (Rialto, near Finale Ligure – Western Liguria). Fieldnotes of Archaeological Institute of America (November 7, 2012).
36) Pirondini A., Bocca G.P., Pirondini F., Pirondini C., Megalithism in Ceresio Valley (N.-W. Lombardy, Italy). Fieldnotes of Archaeological Institute of America (January 29, 2013).
37) Pirondini A., Bocca G.P., Pirondini F., Pirondini C., Villa C., Finalese (Western Liguria) and Prehistoric exchanges between Mediterranean and Continental Europe. Fieldnotes of Archaeological Institute of America (May 30, 2013)
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© Alfredo Pirondini - November 2013

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The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Menhir and Altar (1) (Vote or comment on this photo)

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Photo 6: Bric of the Sparossino: Archaeoastronomical Complex (Vote or comment on this photo)

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Photo 4. "Casa del Fabbro": the pseudo-dome (Vote or comment on this photo)

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Photo 5. Megalithic road (Vote or comment on this photo)

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Photo 1. Menhir oriented in North-South direction (Vote or comment on this photo)

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Menhir

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: The Top of the Altar

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: The pseudo dolmen chamber

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: the Altar and Menhir on the left

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Stone Altar

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Pseudo dolmen

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Pseudo dolmen in winter

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Pseudo dolmen (4)

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Pseudo dolmen (3)

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Pseudo dolmen (2)

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino:panoramic view of Altar and Menhir on the left

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Oriented Menhir close to Altar

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Oriented Menhir close to Altar in summer (2)

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Menhir and Altar (3)

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Menhir and Altar (2)

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: engraved stones of Altar

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Complex of Altar and Menhir

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Sparossino: Part of stones of 'altar'

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Photo 3. "Casa del Fabbro" with a characteristic lithic architrave at the entrance

The Megaliths of Sparossino
The Megaliths of Sparossino submitted by mpwpir : Photo 2. Dolmen with the interior opened inan East-West direction, of atypical structure, the subsidence of the northern orthostat and the alleged remains can be observed

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
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 7.6km ESE 104° Menhir close stone table near Bric Le Pile* Standing Stone (Menhir)
 7.6km ESE 105° Altar Stone near Bric Le Pile* Rock Art
 7.6km ESE 105° Anthropomorphic stele near Bric Le Pile* Standing Stone (Menhir)
 7.7km ESE 104° Bric Le Pile* Rock Art
 8.2km SE 129° Castelliere of Verezzi Hillfort
 8.6km ESE 110° Bric Ercea* Rock Art
 8.7km ESE 112° Monticello dolmen* Burial Chamber or Dolmen
 9.6km E 95° Megalithic structure above Arma Strapatente* Cave or Rock Shelter
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 32.9km NE 51° Ceresa Menhir 1* Standing Stone (Menhir)
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 33.0km NE 51° Ceresa Menhir 2* Standing Stone (Menhir)
 33.3km WNW 302° Briaglia menhir Standing Stone (Menhir)
 33.3km NE 51° Ceresa Rock Altar* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature
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