The Charter of Responsible Megalithic Web Authors
Please stick to the following guidelines when visiting any ancient sites and monuments.

Get permission to visit monuments on private land. Permission is usually granted if asked for, but repeated trespass could lead to access being denied to all of us, and prosecution of the trespasser. Remember, the right to roam extends only to roaming so you need additional permission to leave stuff, which in most cases won’t be granted.

Treat the countryside around the monument with care. Irresponsible behaviour on either public or private land could lead to access restrictions, or complete denial of access to the monument such as is the case at Stonehenge most of the time.

No valuable objects are likely to exist at, in or under the monuments. Do not dig or disturb the site in any way.

Any discovery made at a monument should be reported to the local museum or via the Portable Antiquites Scheme. Every clue that aids in the understanding of these places can then be shared by all who wish to know.

Use the monument in whatever way you choose, for
  • sightseeing
  • scientific investigation
  • experiential satisfaction
  • religious practices

But do not move, mark or alter the monument in any way, even temporarily. This specifically includes moving or re-arranging stones, digging in or around the site or hiding caches within the immediate environs of the site. Also do not use metal detectors, leave things behind in fields full of livestock, burn candles or nightlights anywhere near the stones or daub paint anywhere.

Much damage is done accidentally by people who mean no harm. Think twice, and don't do anything which would cause degradation to the monument such as climbing on it or lighting fires nearby.

Through adherence to these simple guidelines we hope that the stones which have survived the countless centuries to remain to us now, will not fall victim to the generations of the 21st century. We who are the most knowledgable and capable of people are thereby mandated to be the most responsible.


Andy Burnham - Megalithic Portal

Alligator Descartes - Symbolstone

Alastair McIvor - Derbyshire Stone Circles

Chris Tweed - Ancient Sites Directory

Sam Fleming -

Tom Fourwinds -

and many others...

This article comes from The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map

The URL for this story is: