For a local Referendum trigger to Protect Broxy Kennels Hillfort from new Tay Bridge

For a local Referendum trigger to Protect Broxy Kennels Hillfort from new Tay Bridge

16 February 2022
Petition to
Perth & Kinross council (Petitions Committee) and
Signatures: 613Next Goal: 1,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Richard Kelly

Target 2,371 Signatures approx.


A new Highway & Bridge Is planned to a route straight over an Ancient Scottish Hillfort known as "Broxy Kennels" north of Perth, Scotland.

The Details are in the Link Below.

 Time Runs out for Ancient Hillfort as new £118M Bridge over the tay Draws near

Its Important to preserve & protect these Hillforts. As They are symbolic and important to our heritage & history. And even though the Archaeologists at the Perth & Kinross Heritage Trust are going to use the opportunity to do extreme and additional excavations than usual at the site..   We Believe it still should be respected & the Highways Agency & Department of Transport need to learn more respect for these ancient sites and can not just "Charge through them" at their own will. with some "unstoppable army" of Contractors for pure proffit & greed. Its not that difficult to send the road around a different way so as not to defeat the history of the area.


Sophie Nichols appears to believe the site should be protected. And as the Perth & Kinross Council only has a very small constituency so 5% of it is about 2,500 which if matched will trigger local referendum

After All, Scotland is not very populated so there are not really that many places to go there. Its largely unpopulated. The Bridge is a fad project of the Governments to give its Collaborating Contractors & executives "Work" to do. For the sake of it.  Should Scotland not be a "place to come and see these ancient sites"  Why Else come to Scotland?? because The Current way they are going there will be nothing left to visit there.. Except the "New Modern" Cities they want to build & fill the place up with.   You wish to Sacrifice the Heritage of Scotland??  So People only come to visit the roads?   The Roads Contractors are delusional in my opinion. Its senseless greed.


Please sign. & share

All British Citizens can sign & petition Her Majesty's Government & Local Councils under the "Right to petition". And if the equivalent of the 5% is reached there is a right to trigger Local Referendum so the People of North Perth & Kinross can Vote on Saving the site & diverting the road. Or even stopping it. We need to show the Contractors that they are not King. The people of Scotland are the ones who make the decisions.

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Signatures: 613Next Goal: 1,000
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  • Perth & Kinross councilPetitions Committee
  • Perth & Kinross Heritage TrustCase Work
  • Sophie NicholsArchaeologist
  • Perth Council demographicPolitics